Download the program “losing weight together” on your computer. The best apps for weight loss and calorie counting

Modern mobile applications not only entertain the gadget user, but also help him monitor his health and, in particular, his weight. Fitness does not always bring results in the fight against extra pounds, so even athletes have to look at foods in terms of calorie content, not taste. The mobile apps discussed in the review will help you count calories, create a workout program, keep a diet diary, and take other steps toward losing weight.

Android users should pay attention to the following programs:

Let's lose weight together

Price: Free

This application is a real encyclopedia on weight loss; The information for this application was collected not only on the Internet, but also in paper sources over a long period of time. It is especially pleasant for users that this useful program for Android is completely free.

With the application " Let's lose weight together» the user can:

  1. Get acquainted with a huge number of diets - the Kremlin, economical, Atkins and Elena Malysheva diets.
  2. Read articles on vitamins, microelements and biological supplements.
  3. Use one of several functional calorie calculators (section “Calculations”) - this will help you maintain your diet.
  4. Design your own weight loss diary in graphical form - this will allow you to track the dynamics of losing excess weight and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of diets.
  5. Study a detailed calorie table, which includes more than 25 thousand different products and ready-made dishes.

There is only one drawback of the application - intrusive advertising, however, according to 2 million users, this is not a big problem. If you wish, you can get rid of advertising by installing the paid version of the program.

My weight loss coach

Price: Free

Application for Android smartphone My weight loss coach performs not so much an informational as a motivational function: each user receives a “graphic” body (avatar), on the example of which he can see how his own body is changing as a result of the current diet.

What else is interesting about this weight loss app?

  1. Collection of motivational photos. The application contains a whole gallery of pictures of owners of ideal figures. You can set a target weight and see what your body will be like when you reach it.
  2. Function "SOS hunger" confirms that the application developers have a great sense of humor. If the user intends to eat too much out of boredom, he should press the “SOS” button, and an advice will appear on the screen reminding him that food will not make him happier - calling a friend will help cope with boredom much more effectively.
  3. Reminder function – thanks to it, the owner of the gadget will never forget that it is time for him to workout or weigh himself in order to record the results.

You can also find paid and free (Pro) versions of the application on Google Play My weight loss coach– Features such as a calorie counter and weight loss graph are not available in the free version.

Best Weight Loss Apps for iPhone

In the AppStore you can find several applications that will definitely teach you how to take care of your body and get rid of excess weight:

Price: Free +

– the most rated calorie counting app for iPhone. By accurately specifying anthropometric data (weight, height) when installing the program, the user will find out the personal calorie intake that must be observed day after day in order to lose excess weight. The developers of the application claim that it has a number of characteristic features that allow it to go one step ahead of its competitors:

  1. The application boasts the largest food database - it contains more than 4 million individual products and dishes. The database is updated on a regular basis.
  2. The program includes a barcode scanner, making it easy to find the desired product in the database.
  3. The application synchronizes with the program website, so you can fill out your diet diary both from a computer and from a mobile phone.
  4. The program is perfectly Russified, works perfectly even on iPhones 3 and 4 generations and at the same time is free.
  5. The calorie counting application is installed not only on iPhone and iPad, but also on Apple Watch.

The application has disadvantages: firstly, it can only be installed on devices with iOS 8 or later, and secondly, the paid version of this application (without advertising) will cost the user a pretty penny - it costs 749 rubles.

"Calorie Counter" by Fat Secret

Price: Free +

« Calorie counter» from the developer Fat Secret– a worthy competitor to the application. Using this program, you can find out the calorie content of all foods included in the user's daily diet.

The application provides a number of tools that will allow you to achieve your goal - lose weight or, on the contrary, gain it:

Application from Fat Secret, despite similar functionality, has several advantages over the more well-known one: firstly, it can be downloaded for free (no Pro or Lite versions), and secondly, it is compatible with iOS 7.

Ducan's diet

The Dukan Diet is the fruit of 40 years of work by the famous French physician Pierre Dukan. The peculiarity of the diet is that a person can eat as much as he wants and when he wants, but only protein foods, excluding fats and carbohydrates from the diet. Plus Dukan considers physical exercise mandatory.

The mobile application includes:

  1. Over 500 exclusive recipes only from approved products with clear photographs. The list of recipes is regularly updated - any user of the application can add them.
  2. Detailed description of the Dukan diet and each of its four stages.
  3. Weight control chart, with which the user can monitor progress.
  4. Nutrition calendar– thanks to this tool you can create a menu for months in advance.

The application from Pierre Dukan has been translated into many languages ​​and is always popular even though it is paid - its cost is 229 rubles.


There are a huge number of weight loss apps on both Google Play and the AppStore, so it’s not surprising if the user’s eyes run wild. It is very important to approach the choice of a program for losing weight or counting calories wisely, because your health depends on the advice that the application will give you. It is better to download programs with high ratings, the effectiveness of which has been proven by millions of downloads - such programs include, for example, “ Let's lose weight together" And " Calorie counter» from Fat Secret.

☆☆☆☆☆ Over 3 million downloads!
The most popular app for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle!

Do you need a calorie diary?
Do you need a BMI calculator?
Or maybe you need a table of caloric content of foods?
Or see how you are losing weight on a weight graph?

You will find this and much more in the Let's Lose Weight Together app!

What the application can offer you:
- A very wide database of dishes, from which you can determine the number of calories consumed. It includes not only home-cooked dishes, but also those that can be purchased in the store. The assortment of fast food and store-bought ready meals is especially widely represented.
- List of diets. Each of the diets is presented not only with a set of daily menus, but also with a history of its origin, as well as a large amount of other available information to make it easier for the user to make their choice.
- Section with demotivators. This section is very useful for those people who best perceive visualization. It contains many images and texts that make it possible not to forget why this whole journey began, and to stick to it in the future.
- Exercises. In this section you can always find exercises to keep yourself in shape. Moreover, it will be possible to develop a special program according to which periodic training will take place. The application can help with this too.
- Useful. This section contains a lot of articles about losing weight. Including many myths that cause people to choose their wrong path to losing weight, as well as useful tips contained in a huge amount of important information for losing weight.
- Vitamins. This section offers users information about what vitamins exist and why the body needs them.
- Calculations. This category is very important, because it includes the ability to monitor the dynamics of weight loss, see changes in nutrition, and also monitor food consumption. To help those losing weight, there is a database of products, a table of products, calculation of mass index and other equally useful sections.
- Calculators for bodybuilders. This section is intended for people who engage in this sport professionally, because their needs differ from the needs of a person losing weight.

With the help of various diets and calculators, you can learn a lot of new things about diets, you can keep your diary, which is very helpful in losing weight. The BZHU chart helps to track the entire archive from the diary in a convenient graphical form.
The application contains a large collection of diets from both ordinary people and beauty, nutrition and health institutes. For example, such as:
- Atkins Diet
- Big diet
- Economical
- Elena Malysheva
- Diet of the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences
- Kremlin diet and many others.

Let's lose weight together will expose all the myths about losing weight, tell you what is best to do and what should not be done in the course of losing weight. The app is also great for breastfeeding mothers. It also contains a lot of useful information and calculators that may be useful to bodybuilders.

You will find all this and much, much more in the best weight loss app. Let's lose weight together. Calorie Diary!

Lose weight in 30 days is a great app for anyone who wants to lose weight as quickly as possible. Now girls will have their own pocket trainer right in their mobile phone, and it will help you effectively lose weight.

Now girls don’t have to worry about where to get money for fitness classes, because they will have their own pocket trainer. It very quickly helps you get rid of excess fat and become much slimmer. Together with Lose Weight in 30 Days, you will be able to achieve the first effect after just a month of constant training. In addition to the controls themselves, the application also contains the most correct diet that will be useful. It has already been proven by professional scientists and researchers that this particular set of exercises and diet helps to very quickly improve your own health and acquire the ideal shape for your body. Just strictly follow the program, and then you will be able to create a beautiful body that many will envy. For greater clarity, Lose Weight in 30 Days even has additional animations or video lessons. This will help you do the exercises as correctly as possible. Once every four days, the program schedules a great break from exercise.

A great way to workout. Lose weight in 30 days.

Users receive a unique program directly for their mobile device. It will help you lose weight very quickly and get in shape. Right now, become a participant in the Lose Weight in 30 Days workouts and lose weight every day. Track the number of calories burned during workouts and monitor changes in your body. Here in the app, girls will be able to discover unique and healthy diets. There are several training modes, from which the player will choose only one. The further you can go, the higher your level of athleticism will become and then you will have to perform new exercises at an even higher speed.

In my previous articles, I told you how I managed to get into relative shape after a winter overeating in just over 2 months.

But along the way, I would have fallen victim to fat and loose skin if it weren't for this wonderful app that supported me along the way. Let me present to your attention "Let's lose weight together"!

Let's open the application:

In chapter "Weight Loss" collected exercises for different muscle groups with detailed descriptions for implementation.

Chapter "Diets+" I avoided it because I am not a supporter of such violence against the body. Although I took note of the idea "fasting days".

Let's turn our attention to two of my favorite sections - "Calorie Diary" And "Calculations" .

If you decide to get in shape and download this application, you can "Calculations" , gentlemen. After all, it is there that you will learn about your body, if not everything, then everything. necessary exactly.

First, let's open the section "Body mass index" to make sure we are obese J.

Please note that the norm will be different depending on how quickly and how much weight you want to lose. And with a sedentary lifestyle you won’t get enough to eat. So don’t neglect training, at least 30 minutes 5 times a week.

In chapter "Body Proportions Calculator" You will most likely be complimented that your proportions are perfect and you are simply beautiful. So feel free to come in, don’t be shy.

Chapter "Ideal weight calculator" very important. After all, each body type has its own norm. It may be that two girlfriends weigh the same, are the same height, and one looks like an airy fairy, when the second looks plump. And she has a question in her head: “Why, what’s wrong with me?”. The answer is simple: “You are asthenic and your weight norm is different”.

Let's move on to the section "Product Table" . It contains the most common food products and their calorie content.

And now we get to my least favorite, but so useful section "Product Database" . Here you can see the calorie content of any product and ready-made dish. How many times have I stopped a fatal bite by entering the calorie content of the next cutlet or cookie into the database!

It's time to get to the point. Chapter "Calorie Diary" . It was he who helped me on my thorny path of 51 kg weight!

You can just start a notebook, you say.

Last century! - I will answer you.

Let's dive into one of the days on my path to a flat stomach.

  • The “i/” sign shows the daily intake of calories, fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Sign " + » - how many calories, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and water I consumed per day.
  • “-” sign - how much you spent after training
  • The sign “Σ” is how many calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates the body received per day.

The icon of a pumped-up man at the bottom of the screen is an important button with which you can add physical activity for the day to your diary, sometimes quite ambiguous

And with the help of a graph you can track your progress

This application can also be useful for bodybuilders, because it has a section specifically for them

Application "Let's lose weight together" - this is what everyone who decides to take care of their body needs. Without it, the process of counting calories would become incredibly complex and time-consuming. And knowing myself, I would give up right away and eat "by eye". And this is fraught with a lack of results even with intense training.

To bring a touch of positivity to an unpleasant tune “count calories, limit diet, exercise”, I’ll tell you briefly that 1200 calories a day is a lot, satisfying and tasty. You won't be hungry guys. Often I was undernourished up to 1000!

My most standard daily diet for weight loss:


  • Cottage cheese 2% 100g - 80Kk, white. – 16.3g, g. – 1g, ang. – 2g.
  • Greek yogurt 2% 50g – 36.5Kk, l. – 1g white – 4.9g, ang. – 1.9g
  • Strawberry jam 30g (for taste) – 60Kk, g – 0g, white. – 0g, ulg. – 15g.
  • Black coffee with sugar 200 ml – 100Kk, w. – 0g, white – 5.5g, ang. – 16g.


  • Boiled buckwheat 150g – 151Kk, w. – 5.1, white – 4.5, ang. – 21.9 gr.
  • Baked breast 100g - 117.6Kk, g. – 3.9g, white. – 19g, ang. – 0.4g.
  • Fresh vegetable salad 100g – 49Kk, w. – 3.6g, white. – 1.1g, ang. – 3.2g.


  • Boiled rice 150g – 174Kk, g. – 0.6g, white. – 3.3g, ang. – 37.3g.
  • Stewed beef liver 100g – 95.9Kk, g. – 4.9g, white. – 9.9gr, ang. – 3.2g.
  • Canned beans 100g – 115Kk, g. – 0.4g, white. – 7.8g, ang. – 20.9g.


!!!Only 980Kk per day. Fat and carbohydrate levels are within acceptable limits. You can afford some candy for tea or some fruit. Especially if an evening workout is planned after dinner.

I lost 5 kg in 2 months and toned my body. What is this if not a positive result?

The "" application is designed specifically for devices based on the Android platform. It is extremely popular among users, since since its introduction the number of downloads has exceeded 2 million. You can install both a free version and a paid version with additional functionality.


The application's user interface is very friendly. The menu is divided into 4 main categories, each of which has branches of even more categories. The main menu looks like 4 large icons on the entire screen, the subsequent ones are displayed with smaller icons, and the third level of the menu is usually displayed as a list, because it can contain many different categories.

Main functions and advantages of “Lose weight together. Calorie Diary"

  1. A very wide database of dishes from which you can determine the number of calories consumed. It includes not only home-cooked dishes, but also those that can be purchased in the store. The assortment of fast food and store-bought ready meals is especially widely represented.
  2. List of diets. Each of the diets is presented not only with a set of daily menus, but also with a history of its origin, as well as a large amount of other available information to make it easier for the user to make their choice.
  3. Section with demotivators. This section is very useful for those people who best perceive visualization. It contains many images and texts that make it possible not to forget why this whole journey began, and to stick to it in the future.
  4. Exercises. In this section you can always find exercises to keep yourself in shape. Moreover, it will be possible to develop a special program according to which periodic training will take place. The application can help with this too.
  5. Useful. This section contains a lot of articles about losing weight. Including many myths that cause people to choose their wrong path to losing weight, as well as useful tips contained in a huge amount of important information for losing weight.
  6. Vitamins. This section offers users information about what vitamins exist and why the body needs them.
  7. Calculations. This category is very important, because it includes the ability to monitor the dynamics of weight loss, see changes in nutrition, and also monitor food consumption. To help those losing weight, there is a database of products, a table of products, calculation of mass index and other equally useful sections.
  8. Calculators for bodybuilders. This section is intended for people who engage in this sport professionally, because their needs differ from the needs of a person losing weight.


Application “Lose weight together. Calorie Diary" is suitable for both professional athletes and ordinary people who have decided to take care of themselves and want to always have at hand a set of tools necessary for this. The main advantage of the application is the ability to quickly enter your results, which allows you to use it anywhere and at any time.

Price: Free
