Installing an SSD and HDD instead of a drive Connecting a hard drive to an adapter

Hello. SSD drives are becoming more and more popular every day in the component market....

Transferring the operating system from HDD to SSD Transferring the system disk to ssd

We have already achieved attractive volumes and no less attractive prices, so more and more...

How to convert GPT disk to MBR without data loss

Read how to convert MBR and GPT in Windows 10. Why does this lead to loss...

Fixing "Disk access denied" error

Unfortunately, sometimes some users, when trying to perform important operations with...

FAQ on switching from Windows to Mac - hot buttons, analogue programs, external drive

For five months I conducted an experiment, trying to completely abandon the PC in favor of the Mac....

How to open Windows installed on a virtual VHD disk in VMware Workstation and VirtualBox

In June 2005, Microsoft developed a new image format specification...

Classic Yandex program

If you don't have enough space on your device's hard drive, we recommend downloading...

Optimizing SSD disk performance under Windows

For a long time, the main component that “slows down” the performance of even the most...