Chop and other animals. Big guide on chop How to make a chop look for objects

Almost decorative seagulls, “disembodied” schools of fish and jellyfish, pigeons frozen in one place... Representatives of the fauna in GTA have always been nothing more than decoration, only sometimes an object of search and shooting. However, everything was about to change after the release of Red Dead Redemption, which featured a lot of animals and horses were used as a means of transportation. And so it happened - there were more animals than usual, and they began to have any influence on the gameplay. Not all, but the addition of Chop, his own dog, was a major innovation. The appearance of the dogs became known from the first seconds of the debut trailer. Dogs in the game walk with their owners, guard houses and do other usual dog activities. One, for example, will help you find Dom twice, the other will become the target of a short foot chase. However, the excitement was caused by the information that one of the main characters, Franklin, will have his own dog. Later, rumors appeared saying that it would be possible to buy a new four-legged friend and the like. Such “statements” remained rumors. But the fact that Chop already has a serious impact on the gameplay and even the plot is clear.

Dogs can be found near people both in the city and in the surrounding area.

Rottweiler Chop actually belongs to Lamar, but he leaves him in Franklin's care. At the beginning of the game, the dog will not be available, but after the story mission, his name, Chop, will always be waiting for Frank, whom he obeys as his master, in the backyard. This location will be marked with a bone icon. There he will constantly crap if he is not trained in the GTA: iFruit application. Training will also help if you go looking for scraps of letters and parts of a UFO with Chop - he will find them when you are nearby and give the command. You can take your dog with you in the car and play with him by throwing a ball. The ball will appear in the weapon selection menu as soon as you give Chop the command to walk. However, the dog will not climb into the water, helicopter, plane or boat. Although in the mission he calmly climbs into Trevor's helicopter. In this and in the already mentioned Chop mission, you can literally inhabit your pet - the game will allow you to see the world through his eyes. He will also be in other missions, such as during the visit of Franklin, Lamar and Trevor to the “Ballas” on Grove Street. By the way, if someone shows aggression towards Franklin, Chop will stand up for him, attacking the ill-wisher.

Chop covers for Lamar, Franklin and Trevor during the deal. True, he won’t be able to help out during a shootout, so he’ll run home.

There are several commands that Chop executes. One of them allows you to call the dog for a walk, and this is the first condition for 100%. Second, you need to throw the ball, which the chop will bring to your feet. It is important to avoid the flow of traffic, otherwise the throw could be fatal for your pet. The best places for walking are those that are far from the roads. For example, park areas.

However, despite all the novelty and gameplay importance of Chop, the dog was not given the life that one would expect. Yes, he will happily ride in the car or run for a walk, playing with the ball, yes, he shits near the booth, like any dog. But this is where his actions, in principle, end, although it was possible to make him more “alive” while he was at home. Of course, in the first house there is very little space in the yard, but in the second, Chop could hang out in the pool or at least just wander around.

Chop in the backyard of the first house. Indeed, there’s not much to go around here.

In the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean, which washes the state of San Andreas on all sides, there are sharks. They were first shown in pre-release screenshots. These predators pose a particular danger to divers. When diving, you need to watch the radar; the red marks that appear on it are the “jaws”. You can fight and even defeat a shark, but it’s better to quickly get on the boat or try to escape by swimming. However, if the toothy one still eats the hero, then there is no need to be upset, since the player will receive . Sharks are found in waters marked in dark blue on the map, in deep water, away from the shore.

Predators, which became known after the release, are also on the ground - in the mountains and hills you can meet pumas. They walk alone, so getting away is not a problem. The main thing is to prevent the puma from jumping on you; it is better to open fire as soon as a red mark appears on the radar.

Admiring a dead puma may not be as scientific or educational, but it is certainly safer.

The dog-like animals in the trailers turned out to be coyotes, which live in the desert and plains of Blaine County. Trevor and Cletus practice on them. Coyotes often die under the wheels of cars on the highway while trying to cross the road. Ty, for example, having crushed another poor fellow, calls them “nice, but stupid.”

Another target of Cletus and Trevor, deer, are found in the forests and can also be hit on the road. They are even divided into males (with horns) and females (without horns). Moreover, their anatomy is more thought out - the game has a so-called heart shot. This is an accurate hit in the chest area, which is located below the neck. An activity associated with deer is hunting.

On farms, cows chew lazily and wander around the fenced area. At times, after a violent drinking session, Trevor wakes up in a barn of cow cows. Among the farm animals, there are also chickens, which quickly run around houses in villages and are even found in the ghetto of Los Santos. In landfills, in abandoned and simply unsafe places, rats run underfoot.

Cow on the farm.

There are animals in the game that only appear twice in the game during story missions. This is a chimpanzee. For the first time, in the mission, Michael sees a chimpanzee during a drug-induced hallucination. Later, in the mission, the chimpanzees will no longer be in the cutscene, they can be seen in cages while infiltrating the base.

It could be wrong, but it looks like there are chimpanzees in cages with their heads shaved.

As a result, the animal world is not only diverse, but also as similar as possible to the real one. Similar in habits, interaction with humans, and, of course, habitat: dogs live among people everywhere, sharks live in the sea, cougars live in the mountains, coyotes live on the plains, deer live in the forests, chickens and cows live on farms, and in the slums - rats, and a small bird is flying in the sky.

Chop- a dog from the Rottweiler breed, a faithful friend and assistant to your hero in GTA 5. He will help you in the game, entertain you, and also require courtship. And the degree of assistance you will receive in the game will depend on how well you raise him, namely:

  • Chop will follow Franklin's commands such as: “Sit”, “Give me a paw”, “Lie down”. And of course, ask for treats.
  • Chop will sniff out various hiding places to please you, and will also help you search for the remains of a crashed spaceship.
  • By walking Chop you can also earn points, which can later be spent on purchasing a new collar.
There are several options for training Chop, and we will tell you each of them below.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 without iFruit

Unfortunately, it is impossible to train Chop without ifruit. Since this is a feature from Rockstar games, where interaction with the dog is carried out only through the application, and training functions are available only in it. But, Rockstars try to take care of all players and that’s why they released it on many modern platforms - from mobile phones to personal computers. All you need to do is download it and start the fun training process.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 on PC

To start training Chop on a personal computer, you need to download the “iFruit” application itself, install it, link your account and start training and caring for the dog. There is nothing difficult about mastering the application. Everything there is quite intuitive and clear that any player can figure it out.

The only thing you need to consider is that the application only supports Windows 8.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 on Xbox 360

Using only the console in the game, you won’t be able to train Chop. Here, too, the ifruit application is required - you can download it by following the link above, there are all links to the official sites of the application downloader: appstore, google play, windows phone market and microsoft.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 on PS4

In principle, the PS4 game console is no different from the PS3 in terms of training the dog Chop - you will also need the iFruit application, the description of which you can download by going to. Everything is described there in detail: where to download and what device characteristics are required to run it. That is, you can start training your dog both from an iPhone, a phone on Android and Windows Phone, as well as from a PC with Windows 8 installed.

In GTA 5, the dog Chop from the Rottweiler family immediately attracts our attention from the moment we meet him. Yes, this is our four-legged friend who is ready to come to the rescue, as well as entertain us or just look with smart eyes, asking for a treat. But, like any pet, it requires our attention and care, and many wonder how to train Chop and is it possible to train Chop in GTA 5? The answer is simple – of course, it’s possible! To do this, you will need a special application, which can be downloaded completely free of charge. The program is available for both iOS and Android, and therefore every user of modern devices can remotely influence the game world of Grand Theft Auto 5.

Chop training training

As for the training, it is quite fun and simple. Chop needs to be given food, played with, encouraged with gifts, and sometimes even taken to the bitch. It is noteworthy that for the latter you will need to guard Chop until he finishes his job and returns to his previous activities. There are also some tasks in the game that you will have to complete together with Chop. For example, in one of these tasks you will need to help Chop remove the girls’ swimsuits, after which you can receive a corresponding prize in the form of improving the dog’s skills. Once the command is learned, it will appear in the real game. Naturally, there is no magic here, because all changes will take effect only if the game is connected to the Internet. If GTA 5 is not connected to the Internet, all your efforts with Chop will be in vain, until the game is updated. It’s worth noting that training a Chop dog is far from the only thing you can do in the iFruit app. Within this application, you can tune the car without being tied to the area. In simple words: “improve where and when you want.”

Conclusions about training the dog Chop

Returning to the topic of training Chop, it is impossible not to mention that the dog, having learned the commands, will greatly help you in the game itself. The dog will be able to use his sense of smell to find

The animal world in the fifth part of the Big Auto Theft is strikingly different from what we have seen in previous installments of the franchise. Sharks in the water, deer and hares in the forests, cats and dogs in cities and this is not the whole list. One of the protagonists will even have the opportunity to become the owner of a dog, to whom, by the way, this article is dedicated.

How to get a dog in GTA 5?

You won’t be able to get a dog on your own; it is left in Franklin’s care by his friend Lamar after completing a mission called “Chop.” As you might have guessed, you won't be able to get a dog in GTA 5 online, since animals were removed from the multiplayer mode in order to increase performance.

Is it possible to buy a dog?

Give an answer to the question “how to buy a dog in GTA 5?” not so difficult, since the purchase of animals is not provided in the game.

Are there any cheat codes for dogs?

Codes for GTA 5 for a dog do not exist.

Who is the dog's owner?

In fact, the dog's owner's name is Lamar, however, he leaves her to live with Franklin.

What is the dog's name?

The name of the dog from the plot of GTA 5 is Chop.

What breed is Chop?

The breed of dog from GTA 5 is Rottweiler.

What is the name of the app for Chop?

The application is called iFruit, you need to download it in order to train the animal. You can also tune cars using this software.

How to train Chop?

In order to teach Chop commands in GTA5, you will need to download the iFruit application, which is designed to make his education easier. With the help of this software released by the developers, teaching your dog various commands will not be difficult. It is important to note that training a dog without iFruit, as well as training it on a pirate, is impossible, since everything is done through a link to the Social Club.

What can Chop do?

After you train your pet, he will become an excellent assistant in searching for various objects, for example, he will help you look for pickup trucks and similar useful things, such as the wreckage of a UFO ship or parts of a letter. As soon as he finds the object you are interested in, you will hear a bark.

Does he know any commands?

Yes, there are certain commands for Chop in gta5, however, they are not available by default, they need to be upgraded. After training, he will be able to give a paw, sit and beg, standing on his hind legs.

Is it possible to play as a dog?

It is possible and even necessary to play as a dog in GTA5, since this is a necessary condition for completing the “Chop” mission. Once you switch to him (as you switch between characters) you will need to control Chop, by the way, this ability is available not only on PC, but also on consoles.

How to play and walk with Chop?

You can call Chop for a walk, to do this you need to put away your weapon, and then go up and press RMB on PC, R2 on PlayStation and RB on Xbox. You can also play with the dog, for example, throw him a ball that is in the weapon selection wheel. While walking, you can even go somewhere by car, then the dog will jump into the front seat.

How to increase Chop's joy?

You can increase Chop’s joy level in the iFruit application. To do this, remove his heaps near the booth, feed and water your pet, and don’t forget to play with him. You can also please him with a new collar. If you cheer him up enough, his mood will rise and this can be seen in the upper left corner of the screen:

Are there any missions with Chop?

As we said above, in GTA5 there is a mission with a Rottweiler, however, there are situations when it does not appear, the whole point is that you need to complete the tasks “Difficulty” and “Favour”.

What happens if you kill Chop?

If the pet dies, a notification will appear on your screen that the dog has died, however, it will soon appear at Franklin's house.

Is it possible to pet Chop?

Yes, there is an opportunity to pet the animal; to do this, press triangle on PS3, and Y on Xbox.

Interesting facts about Chop:

  • If you throw a ball to a dog, sometimes it can bring you severed arms.
  • In the case when you throw a grenade instead of a ball, the animal (obviously not from a great mind) can grab it in its teeth and explode.
  • The death of a pet significantly reduces the level of joy.
  • On his Lifevander page, Lamar says that he found a dog having intercourse with a cat.
  • If you are riding in a car with a Rottweiler, you will not be able to jump out of it. No matter how fast you drive, the car will stop instantly.

Chop is a Rottweiler. His owner's name is Lamar, a close friend of Franklin. This cute dog appears for the first time in the fourth mission of the game.

GTA 5 Chop.

Chop is a Rottweiler. His owner's name is Lamar, a close friend of Franklin. This cute dog appears for the first time in the fourth mission of the game, and even then Franklin can influence, to a certain extent, his behavior, calling him to himself during missions and solving certain problems. The theme of friendship with the dog and training him can only develop after completing the fourth mission. You need to wait for notification from Lamar regarding the transfer of Chop into Franklin's custody (temporarily, of course).

Chop can be found in the backyard of the house, or nearby, in a booth specially made for him. The easiest and most effective way to satisfy Chop is to take frequent walks. In general, this is a dog and you need to walk with it! Of course, walking is not the only activity. Initially, only throwing the ball will be available, and he will bring it back to you. But after a while, other abilities of Chop will be unlocked.

If you have the IFruit application, you can additionally play with Chop, teach him new tricks and open up new opportunities in the game. The fun in the app is reminiscent of the once popular Tamagotchi. You will need to feed the dog, play with him, walk him and participate in mini-games. Perhaps the dog's best skill is his ability to find objects. The chop will automatically indicate the places where this or that item is located. You can change the cover color in the app.