Phone if it is not charging. Android phone does not charge and does not see charging: what to do? Why is the battery not charging? Causes

Phone or tablet not charging? We have some tips and tricks in store for this case.

During the entire time it stays with its owner, a smartphone can throw out different numbers, but one of the most common problems is related to the fact that it suddenly refuses to charge. And there are many reasons for this behavior, some of which we highlight in this article. And also tips that are worth trying before going to a service center and paying money for repairs.

Problems with accessories that prevent your phone from charging

When identifying a problem, the first thing you need to do is check the most likely causes of the problem. A few tips below are quite simple, can be done quickly and without any auxiliary tools.

Inspect the charger cable

The charger cable is usually the cheapest and most fragile part. It can become unusable if it is twisted or bent too much. Therefore, it is worth trying to use a different cable that is definitely not damaged.

For example, borrow from a friend or work colleague if you don’t have a spare at home.

And then you just need to connect this cable to the charger, then to the phone and see if it is charging or not. If not, then the problem is not with the cable, but with something else.

Check the power supply

Likewise, it would be a good idea to check the charger. Again, to check we use another, one hundred percent working power supply and look at the result.

If you discover that the problem is with the cable or charger, you can always purchase inexpensive new options, including online.

Perhaps the case is too big

For those who have recently purchased a protective case for their smartphone, you need to make sure that the cable fits tightly into the connector.

Sometimes a large case will cause the charging cable to become dislodged so much that the connection breaks and charging stops. It very rarely happens that the problem is in the case, but it doesn’t hurt to check this option.

Common problems in Android that interfere with charging

So, we checked: it’s not the cable, the charger or the case. Then let's check the device itself.

If your smartphone won't charge after being left idle for a long time with an empty battery, it may need a little shake-up. You should try quickly inserting and unplugging the charger plug from the socket several times. Sometimes it helps.

You can also look at the manufacturer’s website or support forum, perhaps there you can find some working option or combination of actions that solves this problem.

Clean the contacts in the connector

Over time, the connector on the phone becomes clogged with small debris, dust and dirt. A high concentration of these unwanted guests can lead to charging problems. To clean the contacts, just blow thoroughly inside the connector.

If dirt doesn’t want to leave the cozy nest of your smartphone just like that, you can clean the connector with a vacuum cleaner or a straightened paper clip, the main thing is to do it very carefully in both cases. To clean the vacuum cleaner safely, turn off the device and use a plastic funnel to avoid accidentally scratching your phone.

You can also use a folded piece of paper with a sharp edge that you can stick into the slot to help tidy it up.

Update software

Not often, but sometimes due to an operating system update, charging problems or errors in battery power management occur.

If the OS on the smartphone is very recent, and around the same time a problem with charging appeared, perhaps these events are related.

In this case, you may need to roll back to a previous version of the operating system; the problem is that this is not possible on every device.

But instead, it is better to check if another update has been released for the smartphone. New software usually fixes problems that existed in the past.

  1. To update the system on Android, open “Settings”, go to the “Software Update” section and select “Update”.
  2. iPhone users have a slightly different path: “Settings” → “General” → “Software Update”.

Change battery

This is not possible on most modern phones because the battery is built into the body. But if your phone or tablet has a replaceable battery, then you should replace it with a new one.

Over time, batteries naturally degrade and cannot store as much electricity as they once could. This usually happens over a long period of time, but in some cases it can happen out of the blue. In order not to waste money on buying a new one, it would be wiser to take a suitable working battery from friends or acquaintances.

You can also go to the store, explain the situation and ask for the battery to be checked.

Is it time to buy a new phone?

For those who don’t want to bother at all with finding the cause of the problem, there are only two options left. Either take the gadget to a service center (if the warranty is still valid, we take it to the seller from whom we bought it), or replace the smartphone with a new one.

Obviously, the last option is the most expensive, but if the device has already worked for a decent period of time and has recently started to fail, then why not replace your old one with a younger device?

According to reviews from service center employees, charging problems are one of the most common reasons for contacting them. Sometimes this is due to really serious problems, such as a failure of the power controller, which requires replacement of components. But most often, problems with charging the device can be solved yourself. Here is a list of steps, in order of increasing difficulty, that you can do yourself before calling a repair shop.

1. Remove debris, dust and grains of sand

If you don’t part with your smartphone even for a minute, carry it in your jeans pocket and drag it to the sea, then sooner or later so much garbage will accumulate in the charging socket of the gadget that it will completely refuse to charge. Therefore, first of all, conduct a visual inspection of the USB port. Then blow it out with a can of compressed air and gently brush it with the bristles of a stiff toothbrush.

2. Clean the USB port contacts from oxidation

Sometimes the device does not charge due to oxidation of the contacts. This happens especially often if the smartphone has not been used for a long time or is used in unfavorable climatic conditions. In this case, cleaning the contacts with a toothbrush dipped in alcohol or even a thin needle can help you out. Do not forget to first turn off your smartphone and remove the battery from it, and perform the operation itself as carefully as possible.

3. Replace the cable


The next weak link to check is the USB cable. Their lives are often full of trials and hardships, so it is not surprising that some of them may die without any warning. The easiest way to check this problem is to take a known working cable from another device and connect it to your gadget. If the problem persists, then proceed to the next step.

4. Test the power adapter

The charger is also often a source of problems. We are talking about that very small box that is plugged into an outlet. First of all, touch it to check the temperature. An adapter that is too hot, like one that is too cold, can serve as an indirect sign of failure. Make sure the cable connection is in good condition and clean it if necessary. Try to find another power adapter that suits your specifications.

5. Buy a new battery

Modern technologies have made batteries much more durable than before, but still not eternal. Each battery has its own lifespan, expressed in the maximum number of charge and discharge cycles. If you use your gadget intensively and it is already several years old, then it is likely that the battery life is running out. To check this, simply take it out and make sure there are no bulges, smudges or other signs of aging. However, it is most reliable to check the voltage supplied by the battery using. If it is too low, then you should look for a replacement at a service center or online stores.

6. Do a factory reset

If you went through all the steps and none of them helped you figure out the cause of the problem, then perhaps the whole issue is a software glitch. The Android operating system collects device usage statistics in order to prevent the battery from being completely drained. In some devices, a full discharge causes the built-in power controller to malfunction, which in turn prevents the device from accepting a charge as usual. In this case, resetting your device to factory settings may help (don't forget to back up your important data first). Of course, this is an extreme measure and you should only resort to it if you have already tried everything else.

In this article, I tried to describe the most common problems with charging gadgets and ways to solve them. Of course, in real life there can be much more. Write about the cases you have encountered in the comments.

Are you trying to find the problem that is associated with the phone charging error, but nothing works? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the likely problems that often affect new smartphones.

The phone takes a long time to charge: why does this happen?

Charging problems with smartphones are common. If you are faced with a situation where the phone only gained a couple of tens of percent during the entire night of charging, most likely the battery has failed. Usually this happens suddenly, without preliminary symptoms.

In emergency situations, if there is a problem with charging, you can cut off the cord plug and connect the contacts directly to the battery. Experts from our editorial team argue that such a procedure is often impossible, as it reduces the service life of the battery.

Why did my phone stop charging?

A complete lack of charge in the phone may be the cause of a malfunction of the smartphone output or its clogging. Often it is enough to blow the phone connector with cold air to restore charging ability.

The adapter may have an invisible (internal) defect, in which case it is necessary to ring the bends.

A broken wire can also cause a lack of charge. You can try moving the cord in different places to see the electrical signal going to the battery. If the smartphone does not receive energy when turned on, but charges normally when turned off, there may be a problem with the chip. Fixing such a problem can be quite expensive, and the cost of repair also depends on the smartphone model. For more details about the causes and methods of diagnosing them, see our next sections.

How to diagnose if your smartphone does not charge

When it is absolutely necessary to use the phone, the user must try in every possible way to check the device for functionality. At home, you can detect a malfunction of the connector, adapter, or software dysfunction.

If the battery fails, the smartphone may charge, but not fully.

Some reasons can be easily fixed with your own hands - for example, replacing the battery or connecting another charger.

A way to check the connectors on your phone if it won’t charge

It is necessary to carry out an inspection of the charging cords and phone connector first. According to statistics, malfunctions with these components most often occur in smartphones. All the user needs to do to test is to connect another adapter to the socket. If no changes are observed and there is no nutrition logo, the problem is in the internal mechanism. Try to solve this problem by cleaning the contacts: take a cotton swab, lightly moisten it in alcohol and go over all accessible places. If the socket is too narrow, take a thin paint brush (a makeup brush will do) and clean off any accumulated dust.

Mobile phone battery diagnostics

Lack of charge is a fixable matter if the fault is only in the battery. It is enough to simply replace it with a new one, and the smartphone will be ready for use. However, you should first confirm that it is the battery that is the problem.

First of all, visually inspect the battery: if it is swollen, then it is on its way to disposal. If there are no signs of deformation of the battery case, you need to check its ability to receive and hold power. This can be done using a special tester (radio technicians usually have one). You need to call your contacts back.

If you do not have any skills in this area, you can try a simpler method of determination. It’s worth noting right away that it is risky, as it carries the risk of injury from accumulated voltage. Take the battery and place your tongue on its contacts - if you feel a tingling sensation, the battery is working.

If the phone refuses to charge through the connector, but you need to receive or make a call in the near future, you can charge the battery separately using a frog charger.

universal frog charger

The USB cable is considered the weakest link in a smartphone device.

Scanning with an antivirus program

A virus is a potentially dangerous program that can harm not only the phone’s software, but also cause problems with the hardware. One of these problems is the lack of charge. Associated signs of infection with the virus are:

  • “sluggishness” of the smartphone;
  • unreasonable “kickout” from games or applications;
  • Players freeze;
  • lack of indication for various connections made using the phone;
  • advertising pops up on the screen even when there is no Internet connection.

The user can only check the smartphone for viruses with a special program. If this cannot be done using the built-in utility, connect the gadget to the PC via USB. If an infected component is detected, the protection program will automatically remove the virus.

If the problem cannot be solved, you need to contact a service for professional cleaning of the cellular operating system.

How to use USB to check charging functionality

When a comprehensive diagnosis of a smartphone begins, it is imperative to check the power supply via a USB cable. To understand whether the problem is with the adapter, you need to connect one end of the cord to the smartphone and the other to the output on the PC. If a signal appears on the monitor about a new device connection, the cable is working. If the charge does not come from the computer with a working cable, the problem is most likely in the internal board of the mobile phone.

What to do if your phone is charging very slowly or not at all

Charging problems are not always related to the battery itself being exhausted. There are plenty of problems that manifest themselves with such signs, so it is important to first make a diagnosis, and then think about what to do next. In this section, we will look at some possible solutions that, if they do not resuscitate your smartphone, can at least suggest some further actions.

When the power cord or adapter is damaged

First of all, try buying a new charger of the appropriate model. However, many people practice quite successful independent repairs. It is necessary to purchase a new charger when the battery is normally charged from another suitable adapter.

Try cleaning the charging connector contacts. An ordinary match or toothpick is suitable for this.

Try charging your smartphones directly until you solve the problem with the natural way of power supply.

Software failure as a cause of charging failure

Failed smartphone firmware or downloading of certain applications may result in incorrect charging display. Perhaps there are junk files in the operating system's memory that urgently need to be cleaned out. To do this, you can use applications such as Clean Master or Cleaner.

If this does not help, at home you can roll back all changes by restoring to factory settings or completely reboot the device by pressing the Reset button. It is a small hole on the smartphone body with the diameter of a regular sewing needle.

What to do if your Android phone won't charge

Android gadgets require power every two to three days. This usually happens not so much due to intensive use, but rather due to the low capacity of the batteries. One day the user may experience a lack of charge. If you have analyzed all of the above reasons and have not found a problem, it is most likely caused by software instability.

What to do if your Windows smartphone does not charge

If a smartphone running Windows OS does not charge, then you can immediately suspect a software failure, since the chargers and the phone case connectors themselves are very durable. The first thing we can do is reset the system to factory settings. You can find the cleaning tool in the settings of your smartphone.

Also, the problem of lack of charge can occur when updating your phone data. In this case, you can roll back the changes to a previous working version. Please note that this procedure can only be performed when the parameters provide for data backup.

Oxidation of the inside of the connection socket

The first symptom of oxidation of the charging connector is loss of power if the smartphone is directly charged. You can fix the problem with the nest using soda and a thin needle. To get into the compartment and thoroughly clean everything, you need to wrap a thin layer of cotton swab around the needle (so that it still fits into the connector), then lightly moisten the top and dip it in soda. Insert the needle inside and carefully remove the plaque.

The disadvantage of this method is that sooner or later oxidation will appear again. If you want to get rid of oxide forever, you need to order a new connector and replace it.

Loss of battery starting impulse

Complete battery depletion can occur for various reasons. However, there is a high chance of the battery being restored. First, you need to connect a completely discharged smartphone to the adapter for a day. Do not rush to panic if there is no reaction on the screen. Sooner or later, the phone will “seize” the impulse and begin to accumulate battery capacity.

A charging error may indicate an uneven insertion of the charging plug.

The following method of resuscitating batteries is suitable for any type of smartphone, but does not always work. Try removing the battery from the cell phone case, then connecting the charger to an empty smartphone, and then inserting the battery into its place. Leave your smartphone turned off for half a day.

Controller malfunction

The smartphone board contains mechanisms that are responsible for the operation and adaptability of the battery to charge. During sudden voltage surges, a problem may arise with the controller, which begins to ignore the charge; accordingly, the received power does not reach the battery and is not displayed on the phone screen.

Repairing such a problem is quite expensive. Sometimes the cost of this operation can be close to the price of the smartphone itself. In this case, it is more profitable to buy a new gadget. If repair is not possible, purchase a Power Bank for the kit and connect your phone to it via Micro-USB.

The phone shows charge, but does not charge after being dropped

If the smartphone suffered a hard fall and from that moment stopped charging, and when connected to the power adapter the charging indicator lights up, this indicates that after the impact the battery was deformed, or the contacts of the battery or the socket itself to which the container is connected came loose. Check all these points; in the worst case, you will have to purchase a new battery.

Why phones of different brands do not charge well: how to fix the defect

Each brand of smartphone has its own nuances that can affect the performance of the batteries.

Apple phone won't accept charge

For example, Apple phones are often sold with non-original charging adapters, because real ones are quite expensive. Due to unscrupulously manufactured products, nutritional problems occur. Chinese iPhones can work for about two years without a hint of malfunction, but at one point they simply refuse to charge. This is due to damage to the chip, which is responsible for many of the device’s functions. You can try charging such a device in the off state for some time.

The following principle will help you determine exactly what the problem is when the chip is not working: when the smartphone is turned off, it charges in the usual mode, but when it’s working, power can accumulate for two to three days.

What to do if your Samsung phone won't charge?

Most Samsung smartphones run on the Android operating system, so if the charging problem is not due to mechanical damage, then only the existing software could have an effect.

In this situation, we will try to calibrate the battery. First of all, you need to obtain Root rights. This can be done using a special pre-installed utility. Then download the Battery Calibration program from the Play Market service and run it with permission to make changes to files.

Now you can connect the charger and wait until the battery reaches 100% charge. Then calibrate, then re-discharge and charge the smartphone. As a result of such actions, the old file about the battery status will be deleted, and the new one will be saved in the settings.

Each smartphone has individual structural features of its internal circuits, so each problem may have some internal differences from, at first glance, an absolutely similar one. Write in the comments what brand your phone is, and we will tell you in a reply message how you can revive it.

In the modern world, a smartphone is an indispensable thing, so when your favorite gadget takes a long time to charge or does not turn on at all, this becomes a whole problem, especially if it is a new phone.

First of all, we think about how to charge our gadget, especially when we are in a hurry and are looking for the causes of problems in the phone, but before that we should carefully inspect the accompanying equipment:

  • Socket - if the wiring is old or there are some other problems with electricity, then this may well explain why the gadget is sometimes charging or not;
  • Charger - check its integrity, it may be damaged;
  • Incompatibility of the charger with the gadget - if the inputs are similar, this does not mean that the charging device is suitable for both models of smartphones.

If you are convinced that you do not have any of the above problems, you can move on to studying the phone itself. We will look at the most common reasons why the phone does not accept charge.

The gadget is charged only from the computer

When the phone is charged only from the computer, but the smartphone is turned on and working normally, it is worth checking the charger. But if charging is in order, but the smartphone does not see it or writes that charging is in progress, but in fact it is not, there is a malfunction in the phone.

In some cases, flashing the gadget's firmware or replacing the input helps, but only a professional can do this after examining the device and identifying the problem.

What to do if the phone does not charge, but the charger is connected

It happens that the phone shows charging, but does not charge, and even after several hours of recharging, the battery remains at zero. Or, if you do not charge the phone for a long time, the battery does not accept a charge. In both cases there may be several reasons:

  • The charger does not charge;
  • The phone battery is faulty;
  • There are many applications and other services open.

If the problem is with the charger, the gadget detects the charger, but due to technical faults it does not charge. This situation is probably familiar to iPhone owners, since the cable becomes damaged due to frequent use. Try replacing the wire, maybe that's the problem.

If the problem lies in the battery, you will have to buy a new one or even contact a specialist, since smartphone models such as Samsung Galaxy S6, LG Optimus Vu, HTC One X have a built-in battery, which means that you cannot replace it yourself.

The last option is very rare, but still occurs, especially if you are the owner of a DNS or Fly brand smartphone. In this case, you just need to close all programs, in particular Wi-Fi, the Internet and your favorite games, and then leave your Android alone while it is charging. If the indicator shows that the charge is coming, you can congratulate yourself, you have just fixed the problem.

Poor contact contact

You are familiar with the situation when the phone is working and charging is in order, but for some reason the smartphone does not respond to the device when connected to the network. You don’t even know what to do anymore, since the phone doesn’t charge for a very long time, but the reason for this may be trivial.

From time to time, dust gets into a cell phone with a removable battery, especially for older Samsung models. If you don't clean the inner surface, dirt accumulates, creating a layer that prevents the contacts from connecting normally, which is why the phone won't charge. Try removing the battery, then clean it and the inside of the case with a cotton swab. Also pay attention to the “teeth”; if they are slightly bent, correct this using a match, but act carefully so as not to damage the contacts.

The phone does not charge from the charger

When the phone does not charge from the charger, the reason should be sought in the charger or in the gadget connector. In this case, it’s very easy to find out what’s really not working, just connect your mobile phone to your PC or use a universal frog charger, but using it every day will be problematic, since you’ll have to turn off the phone every time and take out the battery. Another way to charge your phone from an external battery, but this is also not an everyday option.

The smartphone is charging in the opposite direction

Not everyone knows why charging goes in the opposite direction, and the phone does not take charge, but seems to give it away. Faced with such a situation, many are simply perplexed. The reason for this unusual phenomenon is simple - a failure in battery calibration, this happens from time to time with Lenovo phones, but do not panic, because the problem can be solved very quickly.

To eliminate the anomaly, you first need to discharge the battery to such an extent that the smartphone turns off on its own. After that, remove the battery for a couple of minutes and put it back into the phone. Connect the gadget to the charger, but do not turn it on while the charge is running.

The phone takes a very long time to charge

If your smartphone was charged all night, but was not fully charged or the readings were no more than 1 percent, then the problem lies in the battery. Of course, for the first time you can even charge the phone to 100 percent, but not only will the process take a lot of time, but the gadget will also be discharged in literally a couple of hours, if not earlier.

In this case, you have only one option - buy a new battery and continue to safely use your irreplaceable gadget.

You can figure out the problem yourself, but if you are unable to find out why the phone is not charging and you have tried almost all of the above methods, it is best to take your smartphone to a technician, because only a specialist will be able to determine the true cause of the malfunction.
